Tenant Insights Group making a difference

The first Tenant Insights Group (TIG) has only just met and its’s already made a difference.

You’ll remember ŌCHT has a standing invitation to tenants to take part in special focus groups to look at aspects of our work.

The initiative comes from the last ŌCHT Tenant AGM, where attendees said they wanted to provide timely feedback on aspects of ŌCHT’s work.

Over morning tea, the groups give valuable feedback and suggestions and we use what we learn as we continuously develop our services.

The first TIG got together in February and had an indepth look at the Annual Tenant Satisfaction Survey. They heard from the research company that does the survey, Research First, and they offered heaps of suggestions.

They talked about how to make the survey more accessible and understandable, and how to get more people to complete it and send it back to ŌCHT.

That’s why the new survey looks different, including why some of the questions can be answered using emojis. It’s also why ŌCHT’s digital coach will be on hand to help people fill in the online version of the survey.

We’ve got heaps more TIG sessions planned this year on topics related to all parts of OCHT’s work, on everything from sustainability and rubbish, to community-building and communication.

If you’d like to be part of a TIG, please call 0800 624 456.


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