Winners awash with prizes

“Oh wow, it's awesome,” Kayla says as the delivery team sets the washing machine just outside her laundry cupboard.

“Can you really control it with your phone? Hope it'll remind me when I'm loading it up with clean washing, I'm terrible for doing that,” she joked.

"And does it fold washing too?”

Kayla's new high-spec, high-tech Miele washing machine was first prize in the first-ever ŌCHT Survey Prize Draw.

Tenants who completed ŌCHT's annual tenant survey went into the draw to win the machine or gift vouchers.

Kayla won the machine and five other tenants won $200 Pac 'n Save gift vouchers.

Kayla says she'd have completed the survey anyway - she always does - but the prizes made giving feedback even more worthwhile.

Her new energy-efficient washing machine will replace an older machine she's been borrowing from family.

At least, it will after a few minutes spent cleaning the last stray bits of polystyrene packaging littering her immaculately presented home.

“It's okay, I love cleaning, seriously - almost as much as I love unboxing,” Kayla says with a laugh.

“I can't thank you guys enough."

Kayla's was among a record number of surveys completed during the annual survey over April-early May this year.

More than 800 surveys were filed - well up on the 521 last year, 681 in FY202 and 705 before that.

Survey company Research First runs and analyses the survey results, which help ŌCHT further develop its services.

Congratulations Kayla and all the winners!


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